Fall 2024 Course Announcement
Medical Spanish for Health Science Students (Medical Sciences 622-735)
Improve your Spanish skills, learn and practice culturally sensitive medical terminology and vocabulary. Earn one credit and gain valuable language skills from instructor Sofia Noguera, MPH, LL.M.
Applications are now being accepted. Deadline for applications is Friday, September 6, 2024, by midnight. Students will be notified of acceptance by Thursday September 12, 2024. Students should not register for the course prior to notification of acceptance. Students currently enrolled in health professions programs are given priority for acceptance into the course.
Two sections of the course will be taught fall semester 2024 on the same evening (note time differences below). The Intermediate Section is designed for students who have solid Spanish speaking ability (can communicate in a number of interactive social and task-oriented encounters) and good oral comprehension skills. The Advanced Section is designed for students who are near or completely fluent in speaking and comprehension and can effectively initiate and sustain a wide variety of conversations with finesse. Students should indicate on the application which section they prefer for placement consideration.
Course Dates
- 10 weekly sessions: Thursdays, September 26-December 5 (no class on November 28)
- Intermediate Section will meet from 5:30 to 7:00pm; Advanced Section will meet from 7:00-8:30pm
Class Features
- Pertinent medical vocabulary for clinical histories and physical exams
- Grammar component to facilitate effective and professional communication (Intermediate)
- Small group interaction to talk in the target language and practice medical terminology
- Information about cultural practices unique to the Hispanic community and working with interpreters
- An opportunity to gain insight into a different culture’s concerns and a better understanding of the diversity in the Madison area
- Practice scenarios that relate to medicine, pharmacy, nursing, PA, PT, and veterinary medicine students
Minimum of Intermediate level Spanish speaking skills are required for the course. Course enrollment is limited. A completed online application is required for admission. Students are required to attend eight of 10 sessions to receive credit.
No tuition or fees are charged for full-time students. Purchase of course book ($25.00), available at UW Bookstore HSLC location, is required for the Intermediate Section only.
Please note: Course is only offered as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory; an A-F grade cannot be assigned.